  • M.Res in Science & Engineering of Materials, University of Birmingham, UK
  • M.Eng. in Metallurgical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
  • B.Sc. in Materials Science, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Supinya Wongsriruksa
  • Department of Materials Science,
    Floor 13, Building 19,
    Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University,
    Bangkok 101100, Thailand
  • Telephone  02-6495000;18657
Research Interests
  • Precious Metals and Alloys

  • Corrosions

  • Jewelry Processing

  • Surface Coating

  • Materials Perception
  • Kankaew, H., Kaewpanma, R., Wongsriruksa, S., & Chuankrerkkul, N. (2023). Phosphorescence and Tarnish Resistance Properties of Copper with Strontium Aluminate Addition. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 239(1), 43–51.
  • Supansomboon, S., Wongsriruksa, S., Watcharatpong, T., Munpakdee, A., & Phinichka, N. (2020). Metals and Metal Alloys and their Enhanced Properties for Jewelry Applications. Science Essence Journal36(2), 173–196.
  • Munpakdee A, Supansomboon S,  Wongsriruksa S, Pongpun N, Phinichka N. Effect of ZrSiO4 and Bi2O3 on the Properties of Borosilicate Enamels for Jewelry. Srinakharinwirot Science Journal 2016; 32(2): 97-106.
  • Wilkes S, Wongsriruksa S, Howes P, Gamester R, Witchel H, Conreen M, Laughlin Z, Miodownik M. Design tools for interdisciplinary translation of material experiences. Mater Des 2016; 90: 1228-1237.
  • Howes PD., Wongsriruksa S, Laughlin Z, Witchel HJ, Miodownik M. The Perception of Materials through Oral Sensation. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(8): e105035.
  • Wongsriruksa S, Howes P, Conreen M, Miodownik M. The use of physical property data to predict the touch perception of materials. Mater Des 2012; 42: 238-244.
  • Nisaratanaporn E, Wongsriruksa S, Pongsukitwat S, Lothongkum G. Study on the microstructure, mechanical properties, tarnish and corrosion resistance of sterling silver alloyed with manganese. Mater Sci Eng A 2007; 445–446: 663-668.
  • สุภิญญา วงษ์ศรีรักษา. อิทธิพลของธาตุแมงกานีสที่มีต่อสมบัติทางกลและความต้านทานการหมองของโลหะเงิน   สเตอร์ลิง. World of gold, jewelry & watches magazine  ฉบับที่ 45, กรกฎาคม – สิงหาคม 2547